Methodology to Approach Sound of God

We must discard music or it will destroy us. What we are after is Sound of God only, notions of "sound is music" are dangerous. A method to approach Sound of God has been discovered but the result remains anchored to "music" despite the effort. We can see the horizon but we are still shackled to cultural conceptions of "music" and "enjoyment" and "musical sound".

These are notions we must fuck before 2030 or the world is over. We must free ourselves from the enslavement to "music". This current effort is a failure to fully realize that escape but the discovery of the seed of the methodology to approach Sound of God and nourishing it using the detritus of human sound as compost has been successful. Further work in this direction will continue to bear fruit if we remain "true to seed".

What is the methodology? To speak in terms of language can never approach the essence of this methodology. Just as the human word "love" simply cannot approach the reality of love. When God speaks of "love", it is not a word but the thing itself, actualized. When God speaks of Creation, Creation itself is actualized.

Therefore to place into words the methodology would fail to communicate what seeing the thing unfold would communicate. To say "it is this and this and this" would not communicate the methodology. It must be taken in as it unfolds, beyond language into pure actuality. Thus, to know this methodology one must take it in as it happens. Hear the methodology in the sounds presented.

As the methodology continues to develop further, more will become clear and, it is hoped, others will use the methodology and themselves attempt to attain Sound of God over mere "music". Otherwise, humanity will be destroyed by the end of the Decade.

This is The Methodology of Sound of God. The result of the methodology put into use is how the methodology is spoken to others.


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